Monday, June 8, 2009


This past weekend we celebrated Quinn's 26th was so much fun!!! Saturday, we went swimming, and then we went to our elder's quorum social in the evening. On Sunday we went to church in Fredericksburg and saw lots of old friends and familiar faces, and then we went on from there to the Grote family reunion. Quinn has been into making halters and lead ropes, so for his birthday we got him some books on knot tying and braiding. He has already made a couple lead ropes and they turned out really nice. We just hope he had a great birthday, we love him so much.....he is such an amazing husband and father!!! I'm so grateful to be married to such a wonderful man, and he's pretty dang cute too!!!!!!!

1 comment:

The Smiths said...

Hey, Lexy and I are going bowling Thursday at 1:30 pm. Wanna go? Have you signed the kids up for free bowling yet? It's great fun! Let me know if you need the link.
Hope you had fun at the pool! :(